
A Blog is Born

It’s been a long day. ROLI surprised everyone with the announcement of two new readily-affordable models of their Seaboard GRAND, and I registered and coded this fledgling website.

By the time I have something to say, this initial entry will have long since scrolled off the bottom of the page into obscurity. But for those who happen to see this – perhaps even some curious denizens of ROLI, taking a break from their labors – I promise to do my best to make it an interesting place to visit, worthy of the cool domain name I scarfed up.

I can be quick on the draw with these web projects; for many years, I was, but as we all know, there doesn’t seem to be much of a market for that sort of thing. I’m sure the Seaboard will do much better.

And in case there actually are visitors dropping by from ROLI, let me assure you… I promise to use my powers for good, not evil. And let me wish for more power to all of you; you’re doing wonderful, amazing things, and you have my sincere thanks.

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