
Jordan Rudess at the Seaboard

One of the many highlights of ROLI’s Friday visit to New York was Dream Theater keyboardist Jordan Rudess’s hands-on Seaboard demo. Here are both the standard video, and the extra bonus 3D version. Both feature the same content, but if you have a pair of anaglyph glasses, you can watch in the miracle of stereo 3D!

small jordan

Please excuse the rather poor audio/video quality; I didn’t want to bring a production rig to the gathering, so I settled on a little handheld prosumer Sony TD-10 3D camera. It was dark, and all I had were the built-in microphones, but it should at least give all of you who weren’t there a taste of the event.

It was a genuine pleasure to meet Jordan, who I’ve known mainly through his spectacular demos of synths such as Omnisphere, and an amazing reimagining of ELP’s classic Tarkus. He was a friendly, affable fellow, but to my embarrassment, I had to acknowledge my lack of familiarity with his work with Dream Theater – and for that, Jordan, I apologize.

I’ve already downloaded a high-definition version of your eponymous new album from, and will be listening to it later tonight when I’ve finished these posts. I’m one of those old-school listeners who believes in actually sitting down in the sweet spot, and giving the music my undivided attention.

As for the rest of you – enjoy Jordan’s introduction of the Seaboard to North America. You will likely get better results if you download the file instead of streaming it, but be patient – it’s half a GB!

Little Key Wave 7

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